Friday, February 10, 2012

100th Day!

Happy 100th day of school, kindergarten families! Kids today are going to share a snack made up of groups of 100 yummy things as well as share collections they brought in. We will be making a special 100th Day necklace that the kids can keep to remember their first 100 days in school. Among other 100th Day activities, we are going to have a fun day!

Next week is Valentine's Day. Please have your child bring in a box or bag that they can use as their mailbox to collect valentines. We have 27 students in the class so be sure to have your student bring in enough valentines so each kid gets one from every student.

We have been hard at work on letter sounds and how to make words using these sounds. Have your kid practice making simple CVC words at home by saying the word and stretching out the sounds for them. When you stretch out all the sounds, it's easier for them to hear the sounds and connect them to the letters.

All students can improve on retelling stories. After you read a story together at home, have your student practice retelling the story to you. Have them tell you what happened first, next, and last. This connects well to what we have been doing during our writing time. We are working on the recount genre. Students recount an event that happened to them by putting events in order.

Have a great weekend families and see you next week!