In kindergarten, we have been working very hard on having a positive outlook on school. Please talk to your child about how they can show respect, responsibility, and safety at school and at home. All the kids are learning how much work it takes to become a great kindergartener inside and outside of the classroom.
Please remember that there is NO supervision outside the school before 8:50. Please stay with your child until I come outside to take the line inside to make sure our kids are safe.
We have been working on the letters t, b, and f. We are working on the sounds these letters make, as well as how to write them properly. Any extra practice at home will help your child succeed in the classroom, so when you see these letters on a sign or around the house, point them out to your child. If your child is still struggling with the names of letters, please use flashcards at home. Do 3 letters a week and do not move on until your child can easily name the letters. For those kids who need an extra challenge, have them say the name and the sound of the letter. We will continue to introduce a letter a week.
Sight Word Reader books are going to start going home in Friday Folders. These are books that children practice reading with me in small group. They get a copy of the book to build their own library at home. They will assemble the first book with me, the rest will come in the folder as a sheet of paper that children will need to cut and staple (with your help) at home. These books are great for getting kids excited about reading, and to help them recognize those sight words!
Starting next week, we are going to start our Student of the Week program in the classroom. When your child is selected, they will get a letter and poster in their Friday Folder. They bring in the completed folder, and special items, to class for presenting to the rest of the class. Every child will get a chance to be a Student of the Week, so be on the lookout for this in your child's folder!
We are working on number sense in math. We have been talking about number formation, and what numbers mean/where we see them in our world. The class has been working on a Number Poem and a copy of this will go home soon!
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